Asset Management Plans

Asset Management, by its very nature, is holistic and that holistic approach is taken when managing multiple assets. 4 Roads is experienced at managing multiple asset groups, and integrating the results of condition surveys to develop capital and operational programming and cross asset integration. Our approach is very much aligned with the requirements of Regulation 588/17, Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure.

Demonstrated expertise in the MTO’s Inventory Manual for Municipal Roads, allows 4 Roads to provide advice to manage the road – not just the pavement. The Inventory Manual assesses roads, not only by their pavement condition, but evaluates an additional 5 critical areas, and reinforces that approach.

4 Roads Management Services Inc. (4 Roads) specializes in the preparation of Asset Management Plans (AMP) using WorkTech Asset Manager Foundation Software ( ). 4 Roads staff have established working relationships with WorkTech Inc., (now Central Square) and have partnered with WorkTech on many projects to provide the final project deliverables to the clients satisfaction.

4 Roads has an ability to partner with other firms that have specific expertise in other areas such as finance and other assets. This ability to partner with other firms for specific projects allows us to deliver high quality results without the overhead costs of full time staffing and administration.

4 Roads staff has been preparing Asset Management Plans and State of the Infrastructure reports (Road Needs Studies) since the late 1980’s both as a staff person and as a consultant and to date has been involved with the preparation of plan or data collection on over 200 projects.